On the flip side, it can make for some torturous car rides when I forget to bring one or when he drops it somewhere out of reach. The other day he had two – one in his mouth and one in his hand – he threw the one in his mouth on the floor because he needs constant attention, and then immediately regretted it and started yelling for me to get it. I obviously couldn’t reach it so I simply reminded him he had another one in his hand already. Apparently one wasn’t good enough, so he angrily chucked it on the floor out of reach along with the other one. Without missing a beat Deklan looked over at his brother who was now violently kicking and screaming and said, “well, now you don’t have any.” Touche, Deklan, touche.
I suppose there’s also the whole muffled speech thing that can be problematic. I have a hard enough time understanding what Carter is saying to begin with, so the plug only makes it harder. He will tell you a very animated story and all you’ll catch at the end is Elmo because he starts and finishes every thought with Elmo. I’m constantly saying, “take your paci out and tell me again.” And then there are pictures. You can’t attempt to remove it because he’ll immediately stop whatever adorable thing he was doing that I was trying to candidly capture and refocus his efforts on getting the paci back. He has a really great smile <his mom was voted Best Smile in high school so, naturally> that you can’t even see in 90% of his photos because it’s hiding behind a chunk of plastic. Although, to the Dr’s point at this rate his teeth are going to be so jacked he’ll probably be one of those closed mouth smilers for the rest of his life anyway. Like since when is just keeping them fed, safe, and happy not enough? Now I have to worry about the way their baby teeth will grow in? Or what dependencies they’ll develop later in life because their mom let them have a pacifer until THEY decided they no longer needed it? It’s too much. It’s all too much. At the end of the day I just want to sit on the couch online shopping with an adult beverage in hand and ask myself 2 simple questions: Did you feed him today? Check. Did you hug and kiss him today? Check. Okay then! Now give yourself a pat on the back and pour another glass because your job for the day is done and it’s time to check out your shopping cart before daddy notices what you are doing. Dolla, dolla bills ya’ll!
Um, it’s like you came to my house, sat down at my computer, signed on as me and wrote this post. Same. Exact. Things. I feel your pain, girlfriend. I feel your pain. And couldn’t have said it better myself.
HAHAHA! YAAASSS, Mama! I salute you 😉
Teeth absolutely are dicks!😂 I had 4 years of braces as a kid, and now I have them as an adult because my bite got so messed up again. (!) And just in case there was any confusion, let me confirm–no paci to blame. It all seems unpredictable at best.
HAHAH! See?! I love it. Thanks for sharing, Miranda!
“Teeth are dicks!”- I almost peed a little reading that. I SO enjoy your blog! Thanks for keeping it real, mama.
HAHA! You’re welcome ;). Thank you for following along!
Nolan loves his ‘boo-boo’ as he calls it. I can’t understand what he says either. Maybe we’ll start to transition him away from it next summer, or so….
Omg…my kid had his binky until he was 4. Yea he’s totally fine. My pediatrician was pretty chill about it. She was adamant about no bottle after age 1. She reassured me he definitely would not have a binky when he’s in high school…bahahaha, she’s the best. He gave it up on his own no issue at all and yes he was OBSESSED with it too! Your little guy will be fine. Hey, I figured if a binky is your biggest problem your doing ok!
Well that definitely makes me feel better! I’m still getting, “the longer you wait, the harder it is for them to give it up” but the longer he has it, the quieter it is in my house, so there’s that 😉